Price Files
Price Files are spreadsheets containing sets of prices that can be applied to individual product streams within a project. Prices are retrieved from the workbook, which gives you greater flexibility in performing calculations of estimated price values. When creating a Price File, ensure that the start year, duration and escalation date are consistent across all prices linked to it.
Arguably the biggest advantage of using Price Files over local prices is that Price Files allow a company to maintain a corporate price deck that is transparent and robust which helps to ensure projects are evaluated using a consistent approved pricing policy.
Furthermore, each Price File can have several different scenarios within it depending on the settings in the administration area of CASH. For example, high, base, low and hurdle prices scenarios could be used. When a Price File is created, it is created with the default scenario and you can add more scenarios as needed.
Price Files are managed in the Documents Explorer. For information about how to create a Price File, see Create a Price File.